
📢 This is multilingual board, main languange is English. Other languages are welcome

📢 Ramadan Kareem 🙏


/random/ - Random

Talk about anything that's on your mind, vent, question & answer, share ideas, shitpost, discuss what's happening, etc.

/week/ - Weekly Chat Thread

Share and discuss your daily experiences, stories, and reflections in our welcoming community.

/pol/ - Politics

Engage in civil discourse about current events, political developments, and public policy.

/prog/ - Programming

Connect with fellow developers, share code snippets, and discuss software development topics.

/4444/ - Spam Lounge

Tempat untuk melampiaskan pikiran atau sekedar spam santai tanpa batasan posting. Mojok bebas untuk diskusi dan konten tanpa filter.

/neji/ - Neji Dev

Official board for Nejiboard updates, feature requests, bug reports, share feedback, and stay updated on Nejiboard's development progress and future plans.

204 Threads and 1206 Posts