The class war is upon us.
Luigi Mangione was the first to realize this and now another stabbed his boss during a meeting.
The higher ups better be ready to answer for themselves, because the lower classes are building guillotines.
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this kind of thing will start in all over the world
can't be avoided
The very same Americans who scream that they hate the police state then turn around and support the police.
It’s because they tend to be white Americans who hate black people. Racism is that engrained into our day-to-day culture that it has been used as a tool by the elites to keep us divided. And a lot of white people used to not tolerate this shit. Them hillbillies in the Appalachias never tolerated this shit. The rednecks down South never tolerated this shit. Now they’re too gun ho about fighting niggers than they are about losing their individual freedoms.
The elites allowed Americans to have cars, airplanes, straws, and stoves and then they banned them.
Why do you think the globalists will allow you to keep the Internet?
Prisons and North Korea don't have the web for a reason. Ideas and communication tools are dangerous.
The real elite does not do any meetings, the poeple who are in the meetings do it for them.
The difference between the United States and North Korea is that the citizens tend to have guns. The government doesn’t want the people to have guns. This is because they know if their citizens were armed they might try to rebel. What happens if Trump or some future president attempts to get rid of the second amendment? I’m sure all of the gun owning retards would immediately turn on his administration. Or maybe they turn tail and suddenly go pro gun laws like good little retards.
Americans are completely retarded now.
You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when Americans look you in the eye and say tyranny is wonderful.
You know Americans have lost their minds when Americans say no Germans died during WWII.
There are three classes: people, deep state (cia,fbi etc.) and their shills (media, politicians, "scientists"/academia)
Two must read books are “No, They Can't” by John Stossel and
“Ways to Influence People” by Andy Reven.