Jesus Christ magic
How did he walk on water, turn water into wine and move mountains? "Split a piece of wood and I am there, Lift a stone and you will find me there." Stones or rocks are on your heart, it's a feeling of guilt, shame, fear. "I" is your inner child which is exactly like the inner child of everyone else. Wood or log is what makes you hide your emotions, prison for your "I". "I" is the true name of God (not yhwh), and the "I am the Lord thy God" you should say to yourself in a mirror. "I am in everyone and everyone is in Me." Mountain is just a very heavy rock. Mountains and rocks he spoke of are within you and make you hate yourself. Mountains are major blocks on your chakras (yes, they do exist), psychosomatic blocks.
Water is a contrast to wine, water is insipid, it's sadness, boredom (imagine living without electricity and literature), wine is obviously energy, joy, fun. Jesus was a very positive and charismatic man, you cannot win hearts of people by cheap alcohol and terraforming, you do it by love, by being sensitive, understanding, positive, inspiring, by being "wine" yourself.
Jesus never called himself Jesus Christ, he used "I", like a leaf speaking on behalf of the Tree, being a "child" of the Tree (God). Jesus taught how to be him, how to be I, how to release your inner child, how to turn your personality from a master who controls you into an instrument which you use. Accept yourself by accepting other selves. Personality mutates, thoughts come and go, I remains, I is eternal, I is a fact of existence.
Jesus did not physically die on the cross, in the cave he underwent a profound transformation of personality, got rid of several major mountains in top chakras, regained "wholeness". He experienced infinite love and infinite hate (one cannot exist without the other). Over a woman, of course. His eyes started to shine like that of a happy child, he stopped hating himself. Love yourself like your own child. Same transformation underwent Carlos Castaneda in a hotel room. Holy (whole) is actually not a label, it's a mode of your body functioning.
"Turn other cheek" has to do with stopping internal monologue and falling into sleep without losing awareness. Yes, it is achievable, especially with the help of currently illegal meds. In this mode you don't react, you act from will, doubtlessly. Eyes' vision switches to "another side" and perspective which looks like you are seeing with one eye that is farther, deeper. Notice that seeing by the corners of your eyes objects appear smaller and brighter. Look up Hesychasm. Stopping internal monologue is key element of Castaneda's teachings. Picture on your retinas is still 2d, and by going deeper into sleep you "scroll" it, enabling you to perceive higher dimensions or realities. To go into sleep you must completely relax, be calm as a mountain of ice, must totally free your Attention from fear. "Be not of this world." "Warrior considers himself already dead." "Stop World." "Stop Time." "Turn off body." You must be very brave to see Eternity which, ironically, is right before your eyes. There's always Now, and Now is Eternity. If you knew what all this is actually about, you would pay all the money in the world to experience what Jesus and Castaneda had. It's the highest possible achievement of a man (almost).
"Jesus is King" which is shilled regularly by globohomo is another way of saying "You are piece of shit", "You will never be Jesus Christ" and "Globohomo is king". Globohomo (church, government) want to control narratives who is Jesus and who are you, want to have monopoly on your self identity, want to remain your daddy, your savior, your source of "truth", and want you to remain helpless docile gullible children. It also adds to your motivation, makes people stupid and laughing stock of the Universe. Humans are animals without natural predator, and have to be kept in check by other people, and Globohomo is in control of it, by turning your world view upside down (cause is effect, bad is good and vice versa) and by spamming.
Life is a dream and a journey. Death is only a logout and, after the pain is gone, is the best moment of your life. Body is a costume of this virtual 3d reality by which a Soul experiences it, a "vessel". The soul has a body, the soul has "you", is real you, is the One who sees a dream of being you. To be sinner is not a sin, your personality is nothing but an adaptation to your environment. Hell is here, and the Hell in which souls made of fire burn is actually our Home. Fear not Hell, fear Church that teaches fear. They say drugs damage your brain. Well, your body will eventually die, your brain including, and I promise you will have a trip of truly cosmic proportions. You are already having one. If people knew the truth, half of the population of this planet would line up to the suicide pods, and lying there would show both middle fingers and both middle toes to this world of globohomo wagecuckery, smiling.