Whats your favorite editor?

Post about your favorite text editor or IDE, share your setup's screenshots
I'll start with mine, I use ed(1). Sometimes I'd jump on vim for a quicky fix, but ed is my default.
Don't need anything else or more for my daily keys punching.

i try vim but can't quit lmaoo
so mine is cursor/vscode, ima basic guy
and wtf is ed(1), never heard before
yeah, i use the console one for editing config files and gui one for editing big projects

If you remember and understand the keys you need for each mode you won't need the gui, you'd simply start talking vim and all project will become easy on you.
Ed is the standard editor for Unix. I use the slewsys's version not the default one. it has registers and macros and scrolling capabilities. It's a very simple basic line editor, where you don't get to see the text/code while editing, so you relay on your brain power to remember your file and where is what you need to edit, you can search using a command like g/regex/[command]
I like the fact that It forces me to think, remember, and be creative with very little tools. you can make its own scripts to run on files, for example a script to print for each line it's own line number in the beggining of the line.
picrel is ed in action.
$ ed ed.txt
so it's harder than vim? seems complex, i have watch video about ED, interesting...
after trying that, i think ed is more simplier lol, but yeah remember the line of the code is another pain even i can still print it, i will stuck with nano tho, and it's not available as stock in many distro right? correct me if i'm wrong
It is the father of all modern day editors, vim was made based on it, so vim will still behave mostly like it when using ex mode, and ex was another version of ed and vi was another baby of ex, and vim is their kid. It's supposed to be in all Unix/Linux distros, but most include it and some don't, but they won't be the same version I use, since the standard ed is Gnu ed, and I use the version slewsys made.
You don't need to remember the code lines, you can print the file on the screen with lines numbers, it's just me who I've gotten used to not print the whole file and I just know where to go, since I know my files, sometimes I like to use LESS with it in another pane and just browse the file while tinkering around.
If you're going to edit and change stuff on a file, it's better to start from bottom in order to not get lost going up when using it with less.
Tmux + Vim with minimal extras. I do like the easy-motion plugin.