Cekat.ai Turn out it's just simple workflow and i don't know what the hype is. I mean they build really cool stuff and i heard they also have their own model using argi.id which is impressive. You can build your own using ai api from google, open ai or anthorpic (overkill) for answering the 'customer' chat, i wont do that but i think i know the workflow (i've create MANY web-apps like that before and i know what they're doing there) I'll give you the simple workflow and the details-one, imagine it's just chat with ai with under-rules (ai-agent) and the 'customer' can set their own rules which here is 'their product' information.
+-------------+     +-----------------+     +-----------------+     +-------------+
| USER SENDS  | --> | WHATSAPP        | --> | AI PROCESSING   | --> | WHATSAPP    |
| MESSAGE     |     | BUSINESS API    |     | - Parse Message |     | SENDS REPLY |
| "What do    |     | - Receive       |     | - Check Rules   |     | TO CUSTOMER |
| you sell?"  |     |   Message       |     | - Generate Reply|     |             |
+-------------+     +-----------------+     +-----------------+     +-------------+
       ▲                                           |
       |                                           |
       |                                           v
       |                                  +------------------+
       |                                  | PRODUCT DATABASE |
       +---------------------------------<| - List Products  |
                                          | - Pricing Info   |
                                          | - Stock Details  |
#DETAILED MESSAGE FLOW: 1. User sends message via WhatsApp 2. WhatsApp Business API receives message 3. Message routed to AI processing system 4. AI checks product database 5. AI generates response 6. Response sent back via WhatsApp 7. Customer receives answer #EXAMPLE INTERACTION: User → WhatsApp: "What products do you sell?" WhatsApp → AI: Forwards message AI → Product Database: Retrieve product list AI → WhatsApp: "We sell: - Chocolate Bars - Gummy Bears - Lollipops" WhatsApp → User: Delivers response #----end idk it's keep getting error when i posting the diagram but here's the more details one https://pastebin.com/raw/A5eA9Dc5 >that is not the actual what they use, i just create the easiest workflow i know my question is what happen if tokopedia, shopee or others ecooom-ers build the same thing and offer the services to the seller with lower pricing for their product? or they already did? i know their target-focus is umkm seller that use whatsapp for their product, but i never meet someone (or i don't know yet) with monster-level-seller and using whatsapp for their product? most of them using ecooom-ers chat (?)cmiiw and they claim already have 500k customer and 1k customer-business-level (wow!) is that even real? and look at the weird pricing model tho, did they just limit the ai-answer for basic model to 5000 respond? how come? what happen is stupid customer keep asking stupid question about the product? and the ai model that they claim using model from argi.id (i never heard this before) and i think it's still same pt (company(?)) i still don't know what base model they use, possibly from llama (since it's open source) well after all im happy with Ai growth in Indonesia, i think there's people out there (in Indonesia) doing amazing things and still not recognized YET