DeepSeek vs OpenAi vs Claude

Anonymous 25/Jan/2025(Sat)20:56:51 >>237 ← reply
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Tiap hari ada aja gebrakan dari china, bilangnya side project tapi pas di benchmark orang2 peformance skornya sama dengan claude sonnet 3.5 sama o1 reasoning openai. Hasil benchmark dari , dari Quality test cuma beda 1 level dari best model OpenAi sekarang (o1) dengan skor 89, dengan perbedaan skor cuma beda 1 angka, tentu DeepSeek menang jauh dengan perbedaan harga yang jauh lebih murah (skor price o1 model 26 sedangkan deepthink r1 cuma 0.9), tapi ada yang dikorbanin yaitu speed, skor output token per second (ots) o1 openai 210 sedangkan deepthink r1 cuma 15. nb : - Price per token, represented as USD per million Tokens. Price is a blend of Input & Output token prices (3:1 ratio) - Output Tokens per second received while the model is generating tokens (ie. after first chunk has been received from the API for models which support streaming). Test prompt : write a script for a bouncing yellow ball within a Rhombicosidodecahedron, make sure to handle collision detection properly. make the Rhombicosidodecahedron slowly rotate. make sure ball stays within the Rhombicosidodecahedron. implement it in p5.js - Model Deepseek : ( Deepthink (R1) ) setau gw ini model paling advance dari DeepSeek Hasilnya : 1. DeepSeek : Run di langsung jalan tanpa error (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ inget ye ini first try. 2. Claude : Gw cobain di claude model 3.5 Haiku first try error, percobaan kedua jalan tapi bentuknya ga jelas. - DeepSeek DeepThink (R1) : (1 kali prompt) - Claude 3.5 Haiku model : (2 kali prompt) Dari hasil test sebenernya ga adil sih bandingin claude 3.5 haiku ini sama deepthink, harusnya gw pake claude 3.5 sonnet tapi karena trafficnya claude lagi penuh modelnya ga bisa dipake, jadi buat perbandingan gw pake model yang available. Tapi tetep menurut gw deepseek menang banyak karena model nya opensource under MIT license, jadi bisa dipake bebas publik, bisa di enhance sendiri, bisa di training sendiri (the power of open source) Gw pernah liat di twitter ada yg jalanin modelnya lokal di iPhone 16 (setau gw pake deepseek model yang 8billion, gw lupa nama nama persis modelnya apa) dan ya ini bikin gw excited, model ai yang makin advance dan bisa jalan di hp lokal (tanpa internet) what a dream right? semoga kedepannya banyak model yang JAUH LEBIH ADVANCE dan bisa run dilokal tanpa makan resource lebih.
Anonymous 25/Jan/2025(Sat)21:00:08 >>1166
kalo ada yang mau test run bisa pake editor online, copy codenya yang di pastebin terus paste di terus run aja
Anonymous 25/Jan/2025(Sat)21:05:40 >>1167
oh ya i forget to mention deepseek r1 model masih gagal karena bentuknya itu square bukan Rhombicosidodecahedron still need 2x prompt buat make sure bentuk shapenya bener, but still buat first try not that bad
Anonymous 25/Jan/2025(Sat)21:11:18 >>1168
i do re-prompt and success at the FIRST TRY
let ballPos;
let ballVel;
let boundaryRadius = 190;
let containerSize = 200;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(800, 600, WEBGL);
  ballPos = createVector(random(-50, 50), random(-50, 50), random(-50, 50));
  ballVel = p5.Vector.random3D().mult(5);

function draw() {
  // Enable camera controls

  // Draw rotating container
  rotateX(frameCount * 0.5);
  rotateY(frameCount * 0.5);
  stroke(150, 150, 255);
  // Note: p5.js doesn't have a built-in Rhombicosidodecahedron
  // This is a placeholder sphere showing the collision boundary
  // Replace with actual Rhombicosidodecahedron geometry if available

  // Update ball physics

  // Draw bouncing ball
  translate(ballPos.x, ballPos.y, ballPos.z);
  fill(255, 255, 0);

function updateBall() {

  // Sphere-based collision detection
  let distance = ballPos.mag();
  if (distance > boundaryRadius) {
    // Calculate collision normal
    let normal = p5.Vector.div(ballPos, distance);
    // Reflect velocity
    let dot =;
    ballVel.sub(normal.mult(2 * dot));
    // Add position correction
    ballPos.normalize().mult(boundaryRadius * 0.95);

  // Dampening to prevent perfect perpetual motion
Anonymous 25/Jan/2025(Sat)21:11:58 >>1169
@1168 with deepthink r1 model? impressive right? china is number 1 (´∀`)♡
Anonymous 25/Jan/2025(Sat)21:30:25 >>1170
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fact @OP
Anonymous 26/Jan/2025(Sun)09:09:18 >>1171
1955 : Space race (US vs USSR) 2025 : AI race (US vs China)
Anonymous 26/Jan/2025(Sun)10:09:43 >>1173
@1171 china is good at improving while west is good at invention, they both good
Anonymous 26/Jan/2025(Sun)10:24:28 >>1174
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The one that’s better than o1 is 70B one
Anonymous 26/Jan/2025(Sun)10:26:14 >>1175
@1174 but still in math problem lightweight model 1.5b deepseek is still better than o1, that's still very impressive tho
Anonymous 26/Jan/2025(Sun)11:39:00 >>1176
@1173 kalau opini gw sendiri sih barat : condong ke imajinasi china : condong ke kerja keras dan ketelitian
Anonymous 26/Jan/2025(Sun)11:41:10 >>1177
@1176 maka dari itu penemuan lebih masif di eropa dan amerika tapi asia timur (china, jepang, korea) banyak bisa improve dari penemuan eropa
Anonymous 26/Jan/2025(Sun)19:20:15 >>1180
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Anonymous 26/Jan/2025(Sun)19:38:53 >>1181
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@1180 “It’s a side project. I call it DeepSeek.”
Anonymous 26/Jan/2025(Sun)21:39:35 >>1182
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@OP all haill deepseek
Anonymous 27/Jan/2025(Mon)08:23:39 >>1186
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see it's HAPPENS 😂 lmaoooo
Anonymous 28/Jan/2025(Tue)03:14:04 >>1202
breaking news deepseek release another model for image generation called Janus Pro 7B