What makes C++ called C++?

Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)07:51:54 >>56 ← reply
apa yang membuat C++ dipanggil C++ (C yang "katanya" lebih advanced) kalau sebenernya C++ itu >nambah kompleksitas dari C >compiler lebih lemot daripada compiler C >performa lebih lemot daripada C >bloated as fuck
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)14:18:12 >>229
setau gw c++ bukannya lebih kenceng ya
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)15:38:55 >>234
>>1 tergantung library yang dipake sama metode pemrograman
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)15:56:31 >>235
>>2 jadi skill issue nih?
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)17:13:10 >>239
>>3 C++ supports higher-level features like classes, virtual functions, templates, and exceptions. These abstractions can introduce overhead that doesn't exist in C.
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)21:47:28 >>247
>>4 agree
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)21:52:47 >>248
>>4 c is still the fastest programing lang tho
Anonymous 11/Jan/2025(Sat)13:09:11 >>777
The ++