Simulation is real

Simulationreal 21/Jan/2025(Tue)10:07:26 >>222 ← reply
Simulation is real. Whistleblower here. Gov trying to kill me. From UK. Coded reality. No free will. Work it out yourself, I think possible with AI tech. Only know a bit about it. Im STUPID, not smart but was taught by the sim. Its immoral code. Sort of like the butterfly effect. Not sure if FORCED simulation or natural. Want free will for humanity. Love you.
Anonymous 21/Jan/2025(Tue)13:32:46 >>1055
Are you high?
Anonymous 21/Jan/2025(Tue)14:01:40 >>1056
this is so true, BIN agent is always following me everywhere. they want me to stop resisting this simulation that made by mulyono family. kill BIN agent, hit them with car and run
Anonymous 22/Jan/2025(Wed)15:09:14 >>1062
based and redpilled
Anonymous 22/Jan/2025(Wed)18:32:54 >>1067
If you said that the government was wiretapping your phone in 1999, everybody would have called you a nutjob. Now if you say that the government is wiretapping your phone, no one cares. How can Americans sleep at night now or look in a mirror without feeling disgusted and ashamed?
Anonymous 31/Jan/2025(Fri)12:16:58 >>1228
>simulation government shill spaminformation
Anonymous 13/Feb/2025(Thu)07:02:48 >>1288
The elites don't care if mandatory masks and straw bans make sense. The point of the police state is to help fill the private prisons owned by the globalists and weaken and kill off the 99%.