Ross Ulbrich Free

Silk Road Founder, Ross Ulbricht langsung dibebaskan dari tahanan setelah Trump dilantik jadi presiden US
sat set, welcome ross
You know the USA is doomed when Americans don't support quotes from the founding fathers.

he kinda looks like robert pattinson
pembenci PHP ketar ketir liat pencapaian orang ini
ngga juga sih, dia make php juga dulu pilihannya ga banyak dan paling gampang itu
maksud gw, gw nyindir orang yang selalu ngejek PHP dan bandingin sama framework favorit mereka, padahal kualitas produk itu tergantung orang yang buat
When the USA was a free country, tyranny was limited because the US could take the moral high ground and stand up for freedom.
Now there is no limit to tyranny.
The virus was just a test run.
There is no limit to tyranny now because no one will call out abuses and there is no place to escape to.
Real patriots wish that they could stay awake 24 hours a day spreading freedom.