Ross Ulbrich Free

Anonymous 22/Jan/2025(Wed)15:13:13 >>223 ← reply
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Silk Road Founder, Ross Ulbricht langsung dibebaskan dari tahanan setelah Trump dilantik jadi presiden US sat set, welcome ross
Anonymous 22/Jan/2025(Wed)15:20:11 >>1065
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Anonymous 23/Jan/2025(Thu)05:57:09 >>1070
You know the USA is doomed when Americans don't support quotes from the founding fathers.
Anonymous 23/Jan/2025(Thu)05:59:43 >>1072
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@OP he kinda looks like robert pattinson
Anonymous 23/Jan/2025(Thu)09:40:09 >>1081
pembenci PHP ketar ketir liat pencapaian orang ini
Anonymous 23/Jan/2025(Thu)10:17:13 >>1082
@1081 ngga juga sih, dia make php juga dulu pilihannya ga banyak dan paling gampang itu
Anonymous 23/Jan/2025(Thu)10:26:27 >>1083
@1072 cakep ya dia anjrot
Anonymous 23/Jan/2025(Thu)11:40:20 >>1092
@1082 maksud gw, gw nyindir orang yang selalu ngejek PHP dan bandingin sama framework favorit mereka, padahal kualitas produk itu tergantung orang yang buat
Anonymous 23/Jan/2025(Thu)12:43:49 >>1095
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Anonymous 24/Jan/2025(Fri)07:14:41 >>1121
When the USA was a free country, tyranny was limited because the US could take the moral high ground and stand up for freedom. Now there is no limit to tyranny. The virus was just a test run. There is no limit to tyranny now because no one will call out abuses and there is no place to escape to.
Anonymous 24/Jan/2025(Fri)22:25:25 >>1148 artefak dari dia
Anonymous 24/Jan/2025(Fri)22:44:29 >>1149
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@1148 GOAT!!
Anonymous 28/Jan/2025(Tue)04:29:36 >>1205
Real patriots wish that they could stay awake 24 hours a day spreading freedom.