Claim your id 👻

Dragon (ID:d74ff0e) 17/Dec/2024(Tue)23:15:19 >>49 ← reply 📌
You can use your unique identifiers for consistent identity without registration. > Name#Password > Dragon#pass it will generate id same as mine above. Same password = same tripcode. Password never stored.
Awan (ID:d74ff0e) 17/Dec/2024(Tue)23:15:43 >>111
>>0 Test
Anonymous (ID:00bf272) 17/Dec/2024(Tue)23:16:15 >>112
btw database ke reset lagi damn, rollback to last night and that's the lastest backup i had :3 lawl
Dragon (ID:d74ff0e) 17/Dec/2024(Tue)23:16:36 >>113
yeu told you to backup like 8 hours ago lmao
nigga (ID:08a841e) 17/Dec/2024(Tue)23:17:00 >>114
>>0 thankyou nigga
Anonymous 17/Dec/2024(Tue)23:17:22 >>115
>>0 .
Anonymous 17/Dec/2024(Tue)23:17:55 >>116
>>0 retarded#retarded1235
Anonymous 17/Dec/2024(Tue)23:18:18 >>117
>>6 you should write that in the name section, not post
DA_NIGGA_ABE_101 (ID:138d9e8) 17/Dec/2024(Tue)23:18:42 >>118
DJ omok (ID:21a21dc) 17/Dec/2024(Tue)23:19:11 >>119
>>0 test
rei_ayanami (ID:369343e) 18/Dec/2024(Wed)17:15:33 >>240
Anonymous 20/Dec/2024(Fri)09:49:06 >>363
The whole point of boards is to be anonymous OP...
Anonymous 20/Dec/2024(Fri)09:58:32 >>364
>>11 well i'm not the op but let me tell you that even you use the tripcode you're still unknown anon, that's just identifier Example of Tripcode Usage: 1. When posting, you write: "Anonymous#butterfly" - Your post appears as: "Anonymous (ID: hsuHy5)" - The ID is your unique tripcode generated from your password 2. Someone tries to impersonate you: - They copy and paste: "Anonymous (ID: hsuHy5)" - Their post shows as: "Anonymous (ID: kj9Lm2)" - They get a different ID because they don't know your password - Each ID is uniquely generated from the password This system lets others verify you're the same Anonymous user because: - Only someone with password "butterfly" will generate the ID "hsuHy5" - Copying the visible ID doesn't work - it creates a new random ID - Different IDs show which posts are from different users
Anonymous 20/Dec/2024(Fri)11:58:35 >>378
>>0 Desahebat#jalankota Test
Desahebat (ID:75ee6d3) 20/Dec/2024(Fri)11:59:03 >>379
Vano88 09/Jan/2025(Thu)21:06:03 >>743
Zieg Heil! 88
Desahebat (ID:75ee6d3) 10/Jan/2025(Fri)08:33:47 >>748
Anonymous (ID:a30c89b) 10/Jan/2025(Fri)19:38:29 >>769
prabowo_shill 24/Jan/2025(Fri)08:19:40 >>1125
prabowo_shill (ID:120f6e5) 25/Jan/2025(Sat)14:11:06 >>1160
insomeniac (ID:2b85cbb) 13/Feb/2025(Thu)13:39:25 >>1294
⠀⠀.      ⠀⠀⠀✦ ⠀ ⠀              ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀.          . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✦⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☄️ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀.             .   ゚ .          .                ✦      ,       . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☀️          . .             .   ✦⠀           ⠀✦⠀               .    .   ⠀🌕            .        🚀    ˚        ゚     .  .⠀  🌎⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀‍⠀,      ⠀.    ⠀✦  ˚              *
NotDragon (ID:d74ff0e) 15/Feb/2025(Sat)17:11:22 >>1308
@OP Is the trip code solely dependent on the password?
Anon (ID:faa22d6) 15/Feb/2025(Sat)17:18:14 >>1310
@1308 Testing unicode password. Do you see the possibility of two people having the same password within a 15 character limit a non-issue?
Anonymous 15/Feb/2025(Sat)18:04:59 >>1312
@1308 yes, the tripcode will hash the password to md5 then truncat it and only showing 7 digits of it