Claim your id 👻
You can use your unique identifiers for consistent identity without registration.
> Name#Password
> Dragon#pass
it will generate id same as mine above. Same password = same tripcode. Password never stored.
btw database ke reset lagi damn, rollback to last night and that's the lastest backup i had :3 lawl
yeu told you to backup like 8 hours ago lmao
thankyou nigga
you should write that in the name section, not post
The whole point of boards is to be anonymous OP...
well i'm not the op but let me tell you that even you use the tripcode you're still unknown anon, that's just identifier
Example of Tripcode Usage:
1. When posting, you write: "Anonymous#butterfly"
- Your post appears as: "Anonymous (ID: hsuHy5)"
- The ID is your unique tripcode generated from your password
2. Someone tries to impersonate you:
- They copy and paste: "Anonymous (ID: hsuHy5)"
- Their post shows as: "Anonymous (ID: kj9Lm2)"
- They get a different ID because they don't know your password
- Each ID is uniquely generated from the password
This system lets others verify you're the same Anonymous user because:
- Only someone with password "butterfly" will generate the ID "hsuHy5"
- Copying the visible ID doesn't work - it creates a new random ID
- Different IDs show which posts are from different users
Zieg Heil! 88
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Is the trip code solely dependent on the password?
Testing unicode password.
Do you see the possibility of two people having the same password within a 15 character limit a non-issue?