Week 2 in 2025

Anonymous (ID:00bf272) 06/Jan/2025(Mon)17:16:44 >>163 ← reply 🔒
/|/| ( @ @) / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ) ^ { Second week for 2025 / ||| \____________ / )|||_ (_______) What's happening in your world this week, anon?
Anonymous 06/Jan/2025(Mon)18:10:36 >>685
We live, we love, we lie
Anonymous 06/Jan/2025(Mon)23:04:11 >>690
tutor buat positive talk
Anonymous 07/Jan/2025(Tue)07:21:56 >>692
anjing, gw bayar tilang di pengadilanga bisa online
Anonymous 07/Jan/2025(Tue)08:03:00 >>693
@692 gimana tuh caranya
Anonymous 07/Jan/2025(Tue)19:57:05 >>706
fokus fokus fokus fokus
Anonymous 08/Jan/2025(Wed)06:21:02 >>707
belajar nulis skrip film pendek sendiri :)
Anonymous 08/Jan/2025(Wed)06:30:50 >>709
don't listen to those who tell you that you can't achieve something, as many young people today are surrounded by negativity and doubt. Some people intentionally plant seeds of failure and frustration. You have the power to achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and fulfill your aspirations. Simply trust in God and keep trying.”
Anonymous 08/Jan/2025(Wed)06:33:48 >>710
@707 share ga sih 🔥
Anonymous 08/Jan/2025(Wed)06:38:17 >>711
@709 George Dantzig story
Anonymous 08/Jan/2025(Wed)07:35:45 >>713
@707 Kirim
Anonymous 08/Jan/2025(Wed)18:34:49 >>722
gw habis ngocok, jadi fokus
Anonymous 08/Jan/2025(Wed)21:11:14 >>725
Dont trust person with glasses and chubby. Plus, if his hair short fresh cut, dont take serious abt what he talk to. His opinion always from internet and too much milking genshin whatsoever
Anonymous 08/Jan/2025(Wed)23:28:05 >>727
@722 (・_・;)
Anonymous 09/Jan/2025(Thu)11:56:26 >>733
>ke warung madura >pocari sweat 10k >bandingin ke harga minimarket orang lokal >pocari sweat 7.5k dengan ukuran yang sama
Anonymous 09/Jan/2025(Thu)11:59:58 >>734
@733 lol harga di stasiun aja ga sampe 10k wkwkw
Anonymous 09/Jan/2025(Thu)20:16:08 >>740
pengen ngentod tapi takut dosa
Anonymous 09/Jan/2025(Thu)20:18:14 >>741
@740 /|/| ( @ @) / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ) ^ { tolol... / ||| \__________ / )|||_ (_______)
Anonymous 09/Jan/2025(Thu)23:30:58 >>744
kebakaran di california ngingetin gw tentang kebakaran di hawaii, musnah semua ngeri weh, antara emang dari pemerintah atau murni alam 🙂🔥
Anonymous 09/Jan/2025(Thu)23:31:43 >>745
@744 maksud gw pemerintah itu secret project, kaya di hawaii terus tanahnya dijual murah. rada aneh soalnya kebakarannya
Anonymous 10/Jan/2025(Fri)11:18:17 >>759
lagunya rizky febian seperti kisah enak juga
Anonymous 10/Jan/2025(Fri)12:47:07 >>765
@707 spilll dong woii
Anonymous 11/Jan/2025(Sat)10:09:06 >>774
Anonymous 11/Jan/2025(Sat)10:26:03 >>775
weekend ngapain aja? yup lagi-lagi tiduran doang
Anonymous 12/Jan/2025(Sun)14:39:02 >>784
noooo https://textboard.org/ is down :(