WCT - Week 49

Anonymous 17/Dec/2024(Tue)23:55:25 >>53 ← reply 🔒
What's happening in your world this week, anon? >Week 49 of 52 weeks in 2024
Anonymous 17/Dec/2024(Tue)23:55:46 >>139
>>0 Tidur wan
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:11:43 >>140
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLZRvRnBEw0 si paling akrab >penjual teh g*blok
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:12:06 >>141
if you see this, stop being idiot please
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:12:32 >>142
goodmorning nijja
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:13:18 >>143
One more night please sweatie
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:13:55 >>144
>>0 why the fuck the forum engine keeps changing
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:15:19 >>145
>>6 wdym?
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:16:28 >>146
ngentoyyy cape gua
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:18:20 >>147
hows your day, anon?
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:18:42 >>148
"Gus Miftah Nyatakan Mundur Jadi Utusan Khusus Presiden" lah gua malah baru tau kalo dia utusan presiden
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:19:07 >>149
hi weebs
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:28:33 >>150
Happy weekend nigga
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:29:12 >>151
tetangga yang absurd bin ngeselin udah pulang, anjeng lah
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:30:06 >>152
Bujuk gua buat kembali ke lapangan pekerjaan wan
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:30:34 >>153
>>14 lu nganggur apa gimana
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:31:13 >>154
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:31:50 >>155
Ya, dah setahun lebih gua keluar dari kerjaan dulu dan nganggur
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:32:34 >>156
>>17 ga pengen nikah?
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:33:01 >>157
What a sleep, just wake up right now LMAOOOOOOOOOOO i sleep like 12hours nejisssss
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:33:23 >>158
ioniq 5 n is so sexy dayum 😍😍
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:33:46 >>159
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Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:34:18 >>160
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:35:49 >>161
Be carefull what you wish for
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:36:54 >>162
>>18 Engga wan masih bisa coli ini
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:37:22 >>163
what a season for f1 this year, thank you everyone. Been following from the first race until now, amazing!! See ya next season!! >guess who will be champs? noris? lecrec? or still max?
Anonymous 18/Dec/2024(Wed)00:37:50 >>164
>>0 chillin