WCT - Week 49
What's happening in your world this week, anon?
>Week 49 of 52 weeks in 2024
Tidur wan
si paling akrab
>penjual teh g*blok
if you see this, stop being idiot please
goodmorning nijja
One more night please sweatie
why the fuck the forum engine keeps changing
ngentoyyy cape gua
hows your day, anon?
"Gus Miftah Nyatakan Mundur Jadi Utusan Khusus Presiden"
lah gua malah baru tau kalo dia utusan presiden
hi weebs
Happy weekend nigga
tetangga yang absurd bin ngeselin udah pulang, anjeng lah
Bujuk gua buat kembali ke lapangan pekerjaan wan
lu nganggur apa gimana
Ya, dah setahun lebih gua keluar dari kerjaan dulu dan nganggur
ga pengen nikah?
What a sleep, just wake up right now LMAOOOOOOOOOOO i sleep like 12hours nejisssss
ioniq 5 n is so sexy dayum 😍😍
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Be carefull what you wish for
Engga wan masih bisa coli ini
what a season for f1 this year, thank you everyone.
Been following from the first race until now, amazing!!
See ya next season!!
>guess who will be champs? noris? lecrec? or still max?